Guided Meditation: Your First Step to Mindful Serenity

Guided meditation anywhere, Listening to guided meditation in the train

Guided meditation is different from traditional meditation, and is a form where an individual’s meditation practice is shaped by another person’s voice either in video or audio form. The person doing the meditation follows instructions set by the individual such as to relax certain parts of the body, to breathe in a certain way, or simply to focus on a physical object. Guided meditations can be tailored towards various goals like stress reduction, relaxation, positive thinking, personal empowerment, emotional healing, or spiritual development. Here, we are going to show you the concept of guided meditation and how it can benefit you.

Hey there! Excited to share our very first guided meditation video with you. It’s a 5-minute escape into relaxation, designed to help you unwind and inject a little peace into your day.

No experience needed, just grab a comfy spot, hit play, and let the good vibes guide you to a more relaxed state.

Ready to dive in? Click here and let’s get started!

What is Guided Meditation? 

Guided meditation is a practice that involves mental concentration and/or relaxation led by someone else. It could be in the form of a video, a religious guide, or a yoga instructor. It is a widely accessible form of meditation as it can provide direction and focus for both beginners and those who have experience in meditation. Guided meditation is one of many different types, and can be experienced in a class with the help of the teacher or from a recording. Typical guided meditations involve techniques such as: 

  • Breath awareness, which may involve purely focusing on your breath or imagining it as a wave coming in and going out, or could involve breathing in holding, or exhaling for certain counts, or a technique like box breathing, where you would inhale for a count of four seconds, hold it for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and go without air in the lungs for four seconds. 
  • Body scan, which would involve focusing on one part of your body. Typical body scan meditations such as Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) have been shown to provide many benefits and increase a greater awareness of one’s body. 
  • Progressive relaxation, which involves focusing on a part of the body and letting it relax. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation have been shown to benefit many people with high rates of stress and anxiety.

The Benefits of Guided Meditation

Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance

Guided meditation can help with mental clarity and emotional balance. As guided meditation manages stress by reducing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol while also helping individuals process their emotions these can lead to a positive outlook on life with a greater reduction of the effects of stress. Guided meditation can lead to improved mental health and reduce symptoms of depression, contributing to enhanced well-being guiding meditations in general can be tailored towards emotional healing which can bring about positive personal changes.

Improved Concentration and Focus

Research has shown that brief meditation sessions can have a demonstrable effect on improving attention spans as guided meditation can train the mind to stay at attention building resilience in the mind. As guided meditation allows individuals to produce beta brain waves, which are present during concentration and focusing on specific tasks, this can sharpen the mind. Studies have also shown that focused attention meditation increases sustained attention, which can lead to improved performance on tasks requiring attention and focus.

Deepening Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

Meditating in Nature, part of guided meditation session

Guided meditation is an excellent tool for self-exploration. It cultivates mindfulness by providing a structured framework where people can delve into their inner experiences or develop awareness of the present moment. Guided meditation is a structured approach that allows individuals to explore specific themes relating to self-discovery without needing to be aware of one’s attention or lack of focus. As guided meditation helps people cultivate awareness in the present moment and observe their thoughts and emotions, this cultivates a deeper understanding of oneself. Guided meditation provides great insight leading to self-discovery and awareness of oneself, which can lead to profound emotional healing and personal changes.

Guided Meditation vs. Self-Guided: Understanding the Difference 

Self-guided or unguided meditation involves practicing without any external guidance or influence. This form of meditation allows people to apply the principles of meditation on their own and explore their own mind and body in silence, however for beginners, this may not be the best approach. 

Guided meditation may be better for people new to the practice for a number of key reasons: 

  • Creating a sense of accountability as it helps establish a regular practice which could be very beneficial to individuals new to meditation who are looking to build a solid habit. 
  • Guided meditation provides a structured approach, either through recorded sessions or an experienced teacher allowing individuals to follow specific techniques and instructions, rather than attempting to sit in silence by themselves, which can be difficult for beginners or anybody with short attention spans. 
  • It allows beginners to learn and understand the fundamentals of meditation from an experienced voice or teacher providing a solid foundation for their practice. 
  • Guided meditations can also reduce internal and external distractions to help keep the practitioner focused.

How to Get the Most Out of Guided Meditation 

If you wish to get more out of your practice, consider the following: 

  • Be open-minded and be receptive to the experience. 
  • Find a quiet space where you can relax without distractions. If you are not able to find somewhere peaceful, you may benefit from reducing your sensory stimulus, for example, by using an eye mask and listening through headphones. 
  • Use comfortable posture by sitting or lying down in the way that is best for you. 
  • Follow the guide and pay attention to each instruction. 
  • Focus on the breath and the body, as many guided meditations start with paying attention to your breath. 
  • You can improve the quality of your meditation sessions by becoming more aware of your breath throughout the day or when you are not meditating. 
  • Be patient, as the benefits of guided meditation won’t always happen right away, especially if you are new to this practice. 
  • Regular practice can lead to greater benefits, so strive for consistency and aim to practice along the video as much as you can. After a while, and you begin to see the benefits, you will actively make time for guided meditation.


Guided meditation is different from traditional meditation, but is a very accessible starting point for beginner meditators and provides a variety of benefits. Whether you are new to the practice of meditation or you are looking for a different approach, guided meditation can be a great step towards mindful serenity.


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